Online Documentation for DB Extract for DB2

Welcome to EMS DB Extract utility!

EMS DB Extract for DB2 is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for creating database backups in the form of SQL scripts. It allows you to save metadata of all database objects as well as table data. The ability of flexible customization of the entire extract process allows you to select database objects and data tables for extraction and to define a number of extraction options. The distribution package of DB Extract for DB2 includes a GUI wizard guiding you through the extraction process step by step, and a command-line service for creating backups quickly by using the console application which allows you to extract data in one-touch with script generation templates used.


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Key features

  • User-friendly graphical wizard interface
  • The ability to select database objects for extraction
  • Extracting table data to SQL script as INSERT statements
  • The ability to define constraints for extracted data tables
  • The ability to insert statements for emptying tables before inserting extracted data
  • Saving all the extraction parameters specified within the current wizard session
  • The command-line utility to extract metadata and data with a previously created configuration file used
  • Multi-language GUI support



Product information