Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2


Environment style

This group allows you to define the basic window environment - RadioButton MDI (like Microsoft® Office) or RadioButton Floating Windows (like Borland® Delphi IDE).


Windows restrictions

This option allows you to set the number of editors (Table Editor, SQL Editor, etc.) that can be opened simultaneously.


Zoom options

This group of options is only available if Environment Style is set to Floating-windows environment. It allows you to set maximization size for child windows:

RadioButton Full screen

RadioButton Restricted by Main Form

RadioButton Restricted by Main Form and DB Explorer

RadioButton Justified my Main Form and DB Explorer


Bar style for child forms

Here you can define the location of action buttons: RadioButton within the Navigation bar (on the left) and/or RadioButton on the Toolbar.


If necessary, you can also CheckBox Enable floating toolbars for your application.


Environment Options - Windows