Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2


Advanced options


CheckBox Cell hints for clipped text

Indicates whether a hint box is displayed when hovering over a cell containing clipped text.


CheckBox Focus cell on cycle

Determines whether the focus moves to the next row after it reaches the right-most cell within the current row.


CheckBox Focus first cell on new record

Determines whether the focus moves to the first cell of a newly created row.


CheckBox Next cell on pressing Enter

Determines whether the current view columns can be navigated by using the Enter key.


CheckBox Show navigator hints

Indicates whether a hint box is displayed when hovering over navigation buttons.


CheckBox MRU list in column filter

Enables showing of Most Recently Used items when filtering columns.


CheckBox Expand buttons for empty details

Specifies whether to display expand buttons within master rows that do not have associated details.


Card width

Defines the width of the card used in Card View mode.


Environment Options - Grid - Advanced



Form view


CheckBox Large memo editor

Sets the number of lines for text-typed fields when viewing data in Form view.


CheckBox Word wrap in memo editor

Determines whether long strings are wrapped within the memo editor area.


CheckBox Word wrap in string editor

Determines whether long strings are wrapped within the string editor area.


Grid lines

Determines whether to display vertical and horizontal lines between cells.


Detail tabs position

Specifies the position of the tabs in detail level views: top or left.


Card layout direction

Specifies the direction of cards in Card View mode: horizontal or vertical.


Show edit buttons

Indicates when the edit buttons are displayed: never, for focused record or always.