Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Database Explorer

Database Explorer (or DB Explorer) is the basic window of SQL Manager for DB2 for navigation within databases and working with database objects. The tree-like structure of DB Explorer allows you to manage the databases, database objects and perform other everyday operations quickly and easily.


The following list contains the most frequently used features provided by Database Explorer.


All objects are structured by their types and are available within the corresponding nodes of the tree. The number of objects of each type is displayed in brackets after the node name denoting the object type. To expand/collapse a node, you can double-click it or use the +/- icons. Alternatively, yu can use "Right"/"Left" buttons: when pressing "Left", first the subnodes of the current node are collapsed, after pressing again the parent node is focused and so on; when pressing "Right" the current node expands.


Database Explorer


To view/hide the Database Explorer window, use the View | DB Explorer main menu item or press the F11 key.


DB Explorer - View



Use the Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut to collapse current DB Explorer tree branch and switch to the parent node.



Note that you can change host and database aliases order by dragging them within the DB Explorer tree.