Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2
Creating/editing view
Use the Edit tab of View Editor to create/edit a view and specify its definition.
Specify the schema to contain the view.
View Name
Specify the name of the view.
Set the check options (None, Cascaded, Local), then specify the Fields clause and the AS clause for the view.
Check options
If this option is selected, the definition of the view is not used in the checking of any insert or update operations that use the view. Some checking might still occur during insert or update operations if the view is directly or indirectly dependent on another view that has a check option enabled.
The Cascaded check option constraint on a view V means that V inherits the search conditions as constraints from any updatable view on which V is dependent. Furthermore, every updatable view that is dependent on V is also subject to these constraints. Thus, the search conditions of V and each view on which V is dependent are ANDed together to form a constraint that is applied for an insert or update of V or of any view dependent on V.
The Local check option constraint on a view V means that the search condition of V is applied as a constraint for an insert or update of V or of any view that is dependent on V.