Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2
Editing as XML
The XML tab allows you to view/edit the XML (eXtensible Markup Language) data.
The toolbar provides additional functionality for BLOB Viewer/Editor: use the Save to file and the Load from file
toolbar buttons to save the content as *.xml or load XML content from a file.
The XML content is represented as a tree-like structure consisting four editable fields: Name, Unique, Attributes and Value. You can edit data and modify the structure using drag-n-drop operations and items of the context menu.
Hint: Hold the Shift key when you drag-and-drop a node to insert it as a child one.
The context menu allows you to:
- add a node (a child node relatively to the selected one);
- remove the selected node;
- copy the selected node source to clipboard;
- cut the selected node;
- copy the selected node;
- paste a node from clipboard.
Click the Item attributes button in the editing mode of an Attribute item to add or edit attributes.
Use the
buttons to add or remove an attribute. Click the required attribute name or value to edit.
See also: |