Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2
Print preview
You can make a preview of the printing report and
print metadata for objects of the selected type using the corresponding items of the Navigation bar (or toolbar).
The toolbar of the Preview window allows you to:
- start printing the report;
- open a previously saved printing report;
- save the current report to an external *.fp3 file;
export the preview content to any of the available formats: HTML file, Excel file, Text file, RTF file, CSV file, HTML file, BMP image, Excel table (OLE), JPEG image, TIFF image (use the
Export button for this purpose);
- search for text within the printing report;
- adjust zoom options;
- enable/disable printing report outline;
- enable/disable printing report thumbnails;
- specify page settings;
- edit the page using Report Designer;
- navigate within the printing report pages;
- close the Preview window.