Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2
Specifying common file modifiers
Specify common file modifiers at this step of the wizard.
General options
Preservation of source data order is not required
Enabling this option you can improve efficiency of the load utility, but it might corrupt the order of presorted data.
Skip the header verification code
Enable the option to skip the header verification code (applicable only to load operations into tables that reside in a single-partition database partition group).
Suppress all warnings about rejected rows
Enable the option to let DB2 ignore such warnings during the load process.
Page free space
The value is interpreted as the percentage of each data page that is to be left as free space. If the specified value is invalid because of the minimum row size, the row will be placed on a new page. If a value of 100 is specified, each row will reside on a new page.
Total free space
The value is interpreted as the percentage of the total pages in the table that is to be appended to the end of the table as free space. For example, if x is 20, and the table has 100 data pages after the data has been loaded, 20 additional empty pages will be appended.
Field defaults
Identity column behavior
IDENTITY MISSING modifier makes loading a table with an identity column more convenient if the input data file does not contain any values (not even NULLS) for the identity column.
IDENTITY IGNORE modifier indicates to the load utility that even though the input data file contains data for the identity column, the data should be ignored, and an identity value should be generated for each row.
IDENTITY OVERRIDE modifier is used for loading user-supplied values into a table with a GENERATED ALWAYS identity column. This can be quite useful when migrating data from another database system, and the table must be defined as GENERATED ALWAYS.
Generated column behavior
GENERATED MISSING modifier makes loading a table with generated columns more convenient if the input data file does not contain any values (not even NULLS) for all generated columns present in the table.
GENERATED IGNORE modifier indicates to the load utility that even though the input data file contains data for all generated columns present in the target table, the data should be ignored, and the computed values should be loaded into each generated column.
GENERATED OVERRIDE modifier is used for loading user-supplied values into a table with generated columns. This can be useful when migrating data from another database system, or when loading a table from data that was recovered using the RECOVER DROPPED TABLE option of the ROLLFORWARD DATABASE command.
Use defaults for blank
Enable this option to substitute blank values with default values.
If the Integration Exchange (IXF) format was specified at the Specifying data source and destination step, additional options are available:
Suppress translation between code pages
Enable this option to direct the utility to accept data despite code page mismatches, and to suppress translation between code pages.
Load row, even if the source data size exceeds the size of the target column
If the option enabled an attempt is made to load each row, even if the source data has a column definition that exceeds the size of the target table column.
Click the Next button to proceed to the Specifying advanced file modifiers step of the wizard.