Online Documentation for Data Pump for InterBase/Firebird

Target field properties

The Target object definition area of Step 5 allows you to view and edit the target iconObjects_Field field properties:


Step 5 - Editing target objects - Target field properties


Name - specifies the field name


Type - use the drop-down list of data types supported by Interbase/Firebird to select the one you wish to be applied to the currently selected field


Size - set the size of the field (for string types)


Scale - specify the scale for the field values (if available for the selected data type)


Default value - enter the value that inserted records will get by default (if necessary)


CheckBox Not NULL - determines nullability for the field (whether the field is NULL / NOT NULL)


CheckBox Autoincrement - specifies the autoincrement property for the field (for integer fields)


Generator name - specify generator name for autoincrement field


Trigger name - specify trigger for autoincrement field


Character set - define the character set for the selected field (for string data types)


Collate - specify collation for the field (for string data types)



If necessary, add a comment for the object.


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