Online Documentation for SQL Management Studio for InterBase/Firebird

Running DB Extract

EMS DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for creating database backups in a form of SQL scripts. It allows you to save metadata of all database objects as well as table data.


DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird provides you with a Wizard which guides you through all the steps of metadata and data extraction process: you can select objects and data tables for extraction and tune a number of other extract options.

Additionally to the GUI version which is implemented in the form of a Wizard application, DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird includes the console version which is intended for running from Windows command line with a template file name used as the execution parameter.


To run DB Extract for InterBase/Firebird, click its icon or caption on the Desktop Panel and follow the steps of the Wizard. If necessary, you can click the Arrow-down button to open the menu allowing you to specify a template, and run the wizard/console with the template.


To manage configuration files (templates), use the corresponding Manage templates link. In this case you will be redirected to the Template Management section of SQL Studio.


Data Analysis - Running DB Extract