Online Documentation for Data Pump for SQL Server
Save template options
The Save template options dialog allows you to configure your template according to your needs.
File name
Enter the path to the template file and its name, or press the button to browse for location using the Save As dialog.
If necessary, add a comment for the newly created template.
Template type
The radio options group allows you to specify the type of the template to be created.
Dynamic template
Stores settings and objects list inside; if there are any new objects in the source database, they will be automatically added to the source objects list.
Fixed template
In this type of template the set of objects is fixed. This selection might be useful if you frequently use the console version of the utility.
Recreate database
If this option is selected, the console version of Data Pump will drop the existing database, then create a new one and pump the source database into the newly created database.