Online Documentation for Data Pump for SQL Server

Using Console Application

All the options for the pumping process are set in template (*.dpc) files. A template can be also used in the Console version of Data Pump for SQL Server.


To create a template file, follow the instructions below:


The easiest way to start Data Pump console application is to double-click the generated *.dpc template file. The other way is to enter the command line and type the appropriate command.




<path to Data Pump for SQL Server console application>\MsDataPumpC.exe TemplateFile [-L]



Stands for the *.dpc template file to be used as the console version execution parameter



Selects current localization set in Wizard Application (GUI)




"C:\Program Files\EMS\Data Pump for SQL Server\MsDataPumpC.exe" DataPump1.dpc -L



Note that when you use the console version of Data Pump, the result script is always executed and the importing operation is always performed as well.


Note: The following exit codes can be returned by Data Pump for SQL Server to the operating system after performing the latest task:

0 - successful completion;

1 - error(s) occurred during task performing;

2 - fatal error occurred. The task was not performed.