Online Documentation for DB Extract for SQL Server

Setting general options

CheckBox Show database list

If this option is checked, all databases available on the host are displayed in the Available Databases list at Step 2 of the wizard, and you can select databases from the list to add them to the Selected Databases list. Otherwise you must type the database name manually and add them to the Available Databases list one by one using the btnAddDatabaseToDBList button.


CheckBox Remember password

Setting this option allows you to save passwords used for access to the database server automatically upon closing the application. Please note that checking this option saves the latest password used for connection to the database


CheckBox Confirm exit

Enables/disables confirmation upon exiting the program.


CheckBox Save current options on exit

Setting this option allows you to save all the extraction options automatically upon exiting the application.


CheckBox Save password and user name for Scheduled Task creation

Set this option to remember Windows login information provided for the scheduled task execution.


hs2310 - Setting general options