Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server
Backup devices manager
The Backup devices manager allows you to browse the list of SQL Server backup devices and manage them efficiently.
To launch the tool, select the Services | Backup Devices main menu item, or right-click the host alias in the DB Explorer tree and select the Tasks | Backup Devices item from the context menu.
The list displays the existing backup devices as a grid with the following columns: Device name, Type, Physical name.
Right-click an item within the list to call the context menu allowing you to create a new backup device and specify its properties using the New Logical Backup Device dialog, rename, delete the selected backup device, refresh the list, or show/hide columns of the list. Using the context menu you can also export the list of backup devices to any of supported output file formats.
Backup devices management tools are also available through the Navigation bar of the Backup devices manager.
The Device contents area allows you to view the contents of the selected backup device: Media name, Number of media families, Family sequence number, Media description.
To display the actual contents, press the Show button. If necessary, you can check the Auto show option - in this case the contents of each backup device will be retrieved upon the backup device selection in the list.
The lower list displays the backup operation(s) with the following attributes:
Finished on
Backup type
DB Name
Backup Name
Size (KB)
Expire on
Backup description
Device Type
Created on
Created by
If more convenient, you can change the order of the columns by dragging their headers horizontally.
Click a column caption to sort items by values of this column in the ascending or the descending mode.
If necessary, you can group the data in grid by any of the columns. This operation is performed by dragging the column header to the gray "Group by" box area at the top. When grouping by a column is applied to the grid, all the rows are displayed as subnodes to the grouping row value. To reverse grouping, just drag the column header back.
Hint: These properties are also available within the modal Backup Device Properties dialog which is called through the Backup Device Contents... context menu item of the backup device alias in DB Explorer.