Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Setting payload options

The Payload tab allows you to define the payload that is supported on the endpoint.


Endpoint Editor - Payload - HTTP - Soap



Soap options

This group is available if RadioButton HTTP is selected as the Protocol type and RadioButton Soap is specified as the Payload type at the Endpoint tab of the editor.


The upper area of the group displays the webmethods (the methods for which HTTP SOAP requests can be sent to the endpoint) as a grid with the following columns: Webmethod, Namespace, Procedure name, Schema, Format.


Right-click an item within the list to call the context menu allowing you to iconPlus add a new webmethod or iconMinus drop the selected one.


Login type

Specify the SQL Server authentication mode for the endpoint:

RadioButton WINDOWS

This option allows only Windows authentication to be used to authenticate endpoint users.

RadioButton MIXED

This option allows either SQL Server authentication or Windows authentication to be used to authenticate endpoint users.


CheckBox Batches

This option specifies whether special SQL requests are supported on the endpoint. If checked, SOAP requests for queries that use the sqlbatch method can be sent to this endpoint.



Use the drop-down list to select the database in the context of which the requested operation will be executed.



Specify the namespace for the endpoint.


Header limit

This value specifies the maximum size, of the header section in the SOAP envelope (in bytes).


CheckBox Session

This option specifies whether the instance of SQL Server allows sessions support. If checked, SQL Server allows sessions support, whereby multiple SOAP request/response message pairs can be identified as part of a single SOAP session.


Session timeout

Specify time that is available before a SOAP session expires at the server when no further requests are received (in seconds).



This group indicates whether WSDL document generation is supported for this endpoint: RadioButton None, RadioButton Default (a default WSDL response is generated and returned for WSDL queries submitted to the endpoint), or specify stored procedure by name that will return a modified WSDL document.



This group specifies whether an XSD schema is returned by the endpoint when SOAP results are sent.

RadioButton NONE

This option omits inline schema from SOAP responses.

RadioButton STANDARD

This option includes inline schema in endpoint responses.


Character set

This group defines the character set behavior: RadioButton XML (by default), or RadioButton SQL (the characters that are not valid as character references are encoded, and then returned in the result).


Endpoint Editor - Payload - TCP - Service Broker



Service Broker options

This group is available if RadioButton TCP is selected as the Protocol type and RadioButton Service broker is specified as the Payload type at the Endpoint tab of the editor.


Authentication options

RadioButton Windows

Specifies that the endpoint is to connect using Windows Authentication protocol to authenticate the endpoints. In this case you should also select an authorization method (NTLM or KERBEROS) to be used as the authentication protocol, or NEGOTIATE that causes the endpoint to use the Windows negotiation protocol to choose either NTLM or Kerberos.

RadioButton Certificate

Specifies that the endpoint is to authenticate the connection using a certificate (you should select one from the drop-down list) to establish identity for authorization.

RadioButton Windows, Certificate

Specifies that the endpoint is to try to connect by using Windows Authentication and, if that attempt fails, to then try using the specified certificate.

RadioButton Certificate, Windows

Specifies that the endpoint is to try to connect by using the specified certificate and, if that attempt fails, to then try using Windows Authentication.


Windows auth type

Use the drop-down list to select an authorization method (NTLM or KERBEROS) to be used as the authentication protocol, or NEGOTIATE that causes the endpoint to use the Windows negotiation protocol to choose either NTLM or Kerberos.


Certificate name

Use the drop-down list to select a certificate to be used to authenticate the connection.




This group specifies whether encryption is used in the process.

RadioButton Required

Specifies that connections to this endpoint must use encryption. Therefore, to connect to this endpoint, another endpoint must have ENCRYPTION set to either SUPPORTED or REQUIRED.

RadioButton Supported

Specifies that the data is encrypted only if the opposite endpoint specifies either SUPPORTED or REQUIRED.

RadioButton Disabled

Specifies that data sent over a connection is not encrypted.



Specify the form of encryption used by the endpoint:

RC4 (specifies that the endpoint must use the RC4 algorithm)

AES (specifies that the endpoint must use the AES algorithm)

AES RC4 (specifies that the two endpoints will negotiate for an encryption algorithm with this endpoint giving preference to the AES algorithm)

RC4 AES (specifies that the two endpoints will negotiate for an encryption algorithm with this endpoint giving preference to the RC4 algorithm)



CheckBox Message forwarding

This option determines whether messages received by this endpoint that are for services located elsewhere will be forwarded.


Message buffer size, Mb

Use the spinner control to specify the maximum amount of storage (in megabytes) to allocate for the endpoint to use when storing messages that are to be forwarded (if Message forwarding is selected).


Endpoint Editor - Payload - TCP - Database Mirroring



Database mirroring options

This group is available if RadioButton TCP is selected as the Protocol type and RadioButton Database mirroring is specified as the Payload type at the Endpoint tab of the editor.


Specify the TCP/IP authentication requirements for connections for this endpoint:

RadioButton Windows

Specifies that the endpoint is to connect using Windows Authentication protocol to authenticate the endpoints. In this case you should also select an authorization method (NTLM or KERBEROS) to be used as the authentication protocol, or NEGOTIATE that causes the endpoint to use the Windows negotiation protocol to choose either NTLM or Kerberos.

RadioButton Certificate

Specifies that the endpoint is to authenticate the connection using a certificate (you should select one from the drop-down list) to establish identity for authorization.




This group specifies whether encryption is used in the process.

These options are common for Service broker and Database mirroring payload types. For details see Service Broker options.



Specifies the form of encryption used by the endpoint.

This option is common for Service broker and Database mirroring payload types. For details see Service Broker options.




This group specifies the database mirroring role or roles that the endpoint supports.

RadioButton Witness

Enables the endpoint to perform in the role of a witness in the mirroring process.

RadioButton Partner

Enables the endpoint to perform in the role of a partner in the mirroring process.

RadioButton All

Enables the endpoint to perform in the role of both a witness and a partner in the mirroring process.