Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Data Options

Limit options in table and view editors


Define the number of records to be selected on opening the Data tab of Table Editor and View Editor:

RadioButton Select all records from a table*

RadioButton Select only ... records* (you should set the number of records using the corresponding spinner control)





Load visible rows mode if records more than...*

Set this option to switch to the Load visible rows mode when the number of records in the dataset exceeds the specified value.


String columns width (chars)

Using this option you can limit string columns width that may improve performance on large datasets.


Environment Options - Grid - Data Options



Default grid mode


RadioButton Load all rows*

The grid loads all records from a dataset. This option increases the grid performance by reloading only changed dataset records when updating.  In this mode all features (automatic sorting, filtering and summary calculations) are available.


RadioButton Load visible rows*

The grid loads only a fixed number of dataset records into memory. This option minimizes dataset loading time. Automatic sorting, filtering, summary calculations are not available in this mode.


The Default grid mode options allow you to define the grid mode which will be used by default.

With the Load all rows option enabled, when loading data, all the records are loaded into grid buffers. In this mode opening the tables with many records may take a considerable amount of time. But in this case you can make use of some advantages: in the filter drop-down list the column headers are displayed with the values for quick filtering; it is possible to open several sub-levels at the same time when viewing data in master-detail view, etc.

In case opening and other operations with an object consisting of many records takes sufficient time, the Load visible rows mode should be used instead. It can be set individually for each table and saved between sessions (can be set through the context menu of the grid).


Note: Changing the options marked with the asterisk (*) sign does not affect the way data are viewed in currently opened windows. These options are used as default values for Data Options parameters for newly registered databases. To change the options for registered databases, please use the Database Registration Info dialog.