Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Color & Formats

Display formats


Integer columns

Defines the format for displaying TINYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER and BIGINT columns.


Float columns

Defines the format for displaying FLOAT, DOUBLE and DECIMAL columns.


Datetime columns

Defines the format for displaying DATETIME columns.


Date columns

Defines the format for displaying DATE columns.


Time columns

Defines the format for displaying TIME columns.


For more information refer to the Format specifiers page.


Environment Options - Grid - Color & Formats




Options of this group allow you to set colors for basic grid elements. Use the ellipsis EllipsisButton button to open the Color dialog allowing you to select the required color from the palette.



Defines the background color of the data grid.


Defines the color of the selected row in the data grid.



Defines the color of the odd rows (applied if the Striped grids option is set on the Grid page).


NULL values



Defines the text that stands for NULL values in grid.


Font color

Defines the font color for displaying NULL values in the grid. Use the ellipsis EllipsisButton button to open the Color dialog allowing you to select the required color from the palette.