Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Using context menus

The context menu of the diagram area contains a number of items available in the Navigation bar and toolbars and allows you to:

  • select all objects in the diagram area;
  • select headers of all objects;
  • select all columns of all objects;
  • adjust diagram zoom for optimal representation: zoom in, zoom out, select rectangle to fit, fit model, specify a predefined zoom value;
  • set the cursor mode to Select or create a new table, view, procedure, function relation, or comment;
  • configure the grid: draw grid, snap to grid;
  • adjust the diagram style: draw primary key columns separately, draw entities icons, draw attributes icons, draw only names of entities, draw foreign key names;
  • perform Reverse Engineering;
  • extract metadata of the diagram objects to Execute Script;
  • view/edit diagram options.


VDBD - Using context menu



The context menu of an entity contains items for working with the object and allows you to:

  • edit the object using its editor;
  • create a new object using its editor;
  • drop the object from the database;
  • show/hide object subitems;
  • remove the object from the diagram.


VDBD - Using entity context menu



The context menu of a column contains items for working with the object and its columns and allows you to:

  • edit the selected column using its editor (Column Editor);
  • create a new column;
  • drop the selected column;
  • edit the object using its editor;
  • create a new object using its editor;
  • drop the object from the database;
  • show/hide object subitems;
  • remove the object from the diagram.


VDBD - Using field context menu