Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Defining database files and general options

Use this step of the wizard to select the files to attach to the server as a database.


MDF file name with path

Use the ExplorerButton button to specify the path and name of the file to attach to the server. Then press the Get All Files button to add the database files to the file list.


Attach Database - Defining database files and general options



Database name

Enter the name of the database to be attached.


Database owner

Use the drop-down list to select the database owner.


CheckBox Register Database

This option indicates that the Database Registration Info dialog for the new database will appear immediately after attaching the database (you need to register the database to start working with it in SQL Manager). If you intend to register the database later, uncheck this option.



When you are done, click the Next button to proceed to the Attaching database step of the wizard.