Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server
Policy creation wizard
This chapter explains how to create a new policy in EMS SQL Backup.
There is a special wizard that guides you through the policy creation process. You can launch this wizard in one of the following ways:
At the Policies tab:
Use the Create New Policy or
Create Policy from Template popup menu item.
At the Servers tab:
Right-click database/server/server group and use the Maintenance Policies |
Create new policy or
Create from templates item.
If you call the wizard from the Policies page you will be asked to pick a server, group or solution which policy will be created for. You can create a policy for all servers within Group or Solution.
Note: Creating a Policy for a database means creating policy for the server on which database is stored. This database will be marked by default in steps that require database selection.
Note: When you create a policy from a template it will be applied to all databases of the server irrespective of the database selected.
Proceed to the starting step of Policy wizard.
Setting policy name and description
See also: |