Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server
Selecting objects
Use this step of the wizard to select objects to update statistics.
Select the servers to run the operation on. If the servers name icon is grayed out the Backup service is not run (installed) or there is no connection to the server.
Note: Selecting servers is not available in Template mode.
Databases and objects
Use this option to select both: system and user objects.
All system
This option indicates that only system objects should be selected.
All user
Select this option to select user objects only.
By mask
This option allows defining objects selection by mask. Use * for a set of any characters and ? for any single character in the object name.
This option allows manual selecting of the databases.
Select the databases which will be excluded from the backup. All databases, not selected in the list, will be included.
Online only
Select only the databases in the online state.
If you are creating a step in a policy template then you are able to enter databases, tables and views manually.
Use the button or Ins key to define database/table/view name. After you click the Enter button the database/table/view will be added to the list.
Any database/table/view from the list can be edited or