Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server


General options tab allows you to set the security parameters for configuration data and select the EMS SQL Backup Console time zone.


Environment Options - Connection Settings


The Home time zone option is used for planning tasks in policies.

When you first launch the EMS SQL Backup Administration Console its Home time zone equals the time zone set on the machine it was started on. If your machine is moved to another time zone the Console time zone is not change automatically. You need to switch it using the Home time zone combobox. All time zones available in the operation system are listed here.

Under the combobox the time zone set on the machine with the running Administration Console is displayed.


Note: After changing the Home time zone value all policies scheduled on the basis of the home time zone will be redeployed according to the newly set time zone.


Encrypt configuration data

If this option is ON the configuration data is encrypted. The password is prompted on program launch when configuration information is loaded.



Set password that is used for configuration encryption.


Confirm password

Confirm the password specified as an encryption password above.