Online Documentation for SQL Manager for Oracle


CheckBox Show only connected databases in drop-down menu

If this option is checked, only connected databases are displayed in drop-down menus of such tools as Design query, Execute Script etc.


CheckBox Allow using parameters in query text

This feature allows you to specify different values within a query in a popup dialog just before the query execution. Use the colon (':') character before an identifier (e.g. :P1) to specify a parameter within the query.


CheckBox Add ROWID to simple SELECT queries to make them updatable

Determines whether the ROWID is added to SELECT queries for update purposes.

Environment Options - Tools

New tool form should be opened for

This option defines which database should be selected in the launched tool.

RadioButton Database currently selected in DB Explorer

Tool will be opened with the database focused in the DB Explorer selected.


RadioButton Database selected in currently focused form

Tool will be opened with the database which is selected in the current form.


SQL *Plus console path

In this field set the path to the console application.