Online Documentation for SQL Manager for Oracle

Object Editors


CheckBox Quote low case identifiers

Enable the option to quote identifiers containing low case symbols.


CheckBox Always open the first tab

If this option is checked, the first tab is activated by default on opening an object in its editor.


Environment Options - Tools - Object Editors

Table Editor

CheckBox Always open the Fields tab

If this option is checked, the Fields tab is activated by default on opening a table in Table Editor.


CheckBox Show Object Explorer

Enables/disables the Object Explorer panel within the Navigation bar of Table Editor.


CheckBox Do not retrieve record count for a table

Check this option to disable retrieving record count for tables (with this feature enabled, opening large tables may take much time).


Autocreation options

CheckBox Create a synonym for the newly created object

If the option is enabled a synonym for the newly created object will be created automatically in the current schema.


CheckBox Create a public synonym for the newly created object

If the option is enabled a synonym for the newly created object will be created automatically in the public schema.