Online Documentation for SQL Manager for PostgreSQL

Bringing test database to previous version of database state

This step appears if comparison of test database and previous version of database revealed differences.


Release New Version - Execute the change script on the test database



CheckBox Ignore the difference

Enable the option to skip re-comparing test database and previous version of database. It is recommended to leave the option disabled.


The Open Script button launches the Execute Script with change script loaded. You can execute this script on test database to bring it to correspondence with previous version of database.

Correct the script if needed, then execute it on test database and return to the wizard by clicking the Save&Return to Wizard button.


Release New Version - Execute the change script on the test database_2


If the Ignore the difference option is enabled, the wizard will take you to the Executing change script on test database step.

Otherwise you will return to the Performing comparison of test database with the previous version of database step.