Online Documentation for SQL Backup for PostgreSQL

Amazon S3 storage info

At this tab you can edit Amazon S3 cloud connection settings.

Bucket name

Define the bucket that will be used for storing backups. You can create a bucket on the Amazon website. If the specified bucket does not exist it will be created automatically in US Standard region. Note that the bucket name must be unique among all Amazon S3 buckets.



If you want backup files to be stored in a folder then set the path to the folder within the specified bucket. The folder will be created automatically on file upload. Use the '/' as a directory separator. For example, 'backups/Adventure Works'.


Backup storage editor -Amazon S3


Access key

Input access key to get access to the bucket. You can find this information on the Security Credentials page of your Amazon Web Services account.


Secret key

Input secret key to get access to the bucket. You can find this information on the Security Credentials page of your Amazon Web Services account.


Storage class

Select the storage class for uploaded backup files: Standard or Reduced redundancy.



Specify the timeout in seconds for inactivity of data channel.


checkbox Connect using proxy server

Check this option to use proxy settings set at Proxy server options.


Click the Test connection button to check connection to the selected folder with the settings defined above.