Online Documentation for DB Extract for DB2
Setting program language
The Localization page is provided for DB Extract for DB2 interface localization files management.
You can create your own *.lng files similar to those available in the %program_directory%\Languages folder, add them to the list of the available languages and apply a new language as the program interface language.
Default directory
Use the button to specify the directory where the *.lng files are stored by default.
Choose program language
Select the language you wish to be applied to the GUI application from the drop-down list of available languages.
In the Available Languages area the list of available languages and the names of the corresponding localization (*.lng) files are displayed. You can manage the list of the languages using the buttons below.
Add defaults
Adds languages from the default directory to the list of available languages.
Opens the Add language dialog where you can specify your own localization file and set the language name.
Opens the Edit language dialog where you can change the language name or select another localization file for the specified language.
Removes the selected language from the Available languages list (without confirmation).