Online Documentation for DB Extract for DB2
Scheduled Task sections
Section [#ScheduledTask#] stores values set on Step 9 of Wizard application.
The configuration parameters are listed below.
0 = Run the scheduled task once
1 = Run the scheduled task daily
2 = Run the scheduled task weekly
3 = Run the scheduled task monthly
0 = Run extraction now
1 = Run extraction now and create Windows scheduled task
2 = Create Windows scheduled task only
Stores the scheduled task execution time
Stores the scheduled task execution date (applicable only for TaskType = 0)
The days of the week when the task is scheduled to run (applicable only for TaskType = 2)
The value of this option is a list of zero ("0") and one ("1") values
Each value corresponds to a certain day of the week in the following order:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
e.g. WeeklyList=1,0,0,0,1,0,0 indicates running scheduled task weekly on Mondays and Fridays
The days of the month when the task is scheduled to run (applicable only for TaskType = 3)
The value of this option is a list of zero ("0") and one ("1") values
Each value corresponds to a certain day of the month in the calendar order
SeparateTask (applicable only for TaskType = 3)
0 = Create a single scheduled task for all selected days of the month
1 = Create a separate scheduled task for each selected day of the month
Windows domain of the user specified to run the scheduled task
Windows user name specified to run the scheduled task
Windows user password specified to run the scheduled task
0 = Close the console window after execution of the scheduled task
1 = Do not close the console window after execution of the scheduled task
Section [#Comment#] stores your comment for the template file
e.g. Line0 = Template1 for metadata and data extraction
See also: |