Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Object context menu

The context menu of an object (e.g. table or view) in the DB Explorer tree allows you to:

  • create a new database object of the same type;
  • edit the selected object in its editor;
  • rename the selected object;
  • drop the selected object from the database;
  • duplicate the selected object (create a new object with the same DDL structure and properties as the selected object has);
  • access common Tasks applied to this object;
  • perform data manipulation operations (for tables and views);
  • generate the object script and open it in SQL Editor;
  • generate the object script and copy its text to Windows clipboard;
  • refresh all objects of the selected object type;
  • view/edit the database registration information within the Database Registration Info dialog (for database objects);
  • create a new tab for the selected object to access it through this tab quickly and/or manage the existing tab;
  • search for an object within the tree.


Using context menus - Object context menu