Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

SQL Manager Direct

SQL Manager Direct is a feature of SQL Manager for DB2 which provides you with quick access to the related Internet resources and allows you to keep your SQL Manager version up-to-date.


To open the SQL Manager Direct window, select the Help | SQL Manager Direct item from the main menu.





Links to resources provided by the SQL Manager Direct window are grouped into several sections:

  • SQL Manager for DB2 News
  • General Information
  • Downloads
  • Related Products


Upon a link selection you will be immediately forwarded to the corresponding resource.


SQL Manager for DB2 News

This section takes you directly to the latest EMS news column. Using the links you can get up-to-date news, product information and downloads from


General Information

This section offers a number of links to product news, features, Feature Matrix, system requirements, testimonials and much more.



Using links of this section you can download other product versions from the download page.


Related Products

This section allows you to browse the list of related products developed by EMS Database Management Solutions, Inc.


Appendix - SQL Manager Direct



Use the btnBack btnForward buttons to navigate in the same way as you normally do it using a web browser.


Click the Update button to refresh the page.


CheckBox Automatically poll network in interval (in days)

If this option is selected, the page is refreshed automatically after the specified time interval. Use the spinner control to set the interval (in days).


In the Status area at the bottom of the SQL Manager Direct window you can find the status of your request to the website.