Online Documentation for SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird

Visual Mode Editors

CheckBox Recompile dependencies

If the option is selected, the objects that refer to the current object are recompiled.


CheckBox Set grants when compiling

This option allows you to set grants on the object automatically when compiling the object.


CheckBox Show Trigger Messages in DDL

Toggles displaying the script fragment for setting trigger messages at the DDL tab of the trigger editors.


Environment Options - Tools - Object Editors - Visual Mode Editors


CheckBox Force applying of visual mode for all editors

Enables visual mode for all editors. This option is unavailable if Keep layout for each editor separately option is ON at Object Editors options.


CheckBox Show descriptions as comments in script

Toggles displaying object descriptions as comments in scripts generated for the objects.


CheckBox Quote local variable names in visual mode automatically if needed.

If this option is enabled, the local variable names are quoted automatically if they are entered in lowercase. This option is working correctly if the CheckBox Always capitalize database objects names option on the Common options tab in the Database Registration Info dialog is not enabled.