Online Documentation for SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird


Database Journaling improves VLDB management and facilitates disaster recovery. When journaling is enabled, all transaction changes are safely recorded on durable storage before the transaction is committed. This guarantees the ACID properties of a transaction (the database industry standards for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability).


A Journal archive is the set of destination directories that will hold the current set of journal files for a particular database. The purpose of the journal archive is to support long-term database recovery.


Note that Journaling is only available on the Server Edition of InterBase 2009 and higher.



Creating Journal


To create a journal:

Hint: To create a journal, you can also right-click the Journal node in the DB Explorer tree and select the Create Journal item from the context menu.


After the journaling configuration is set, to archive a database or journal files to the archive:

Hint: To archive a database or journal files, you can also right-click the Journal node in the DB Explorer tree and select the New Journal... item from the context menu.



Viewing Journal


To view journal configuration:

  • right-click the Journal node in the DB Explorer tree and select the View Journal context menu item, or simply double-click the node;
  • view journal journaling configuration using the appropriate tabs of Journal Editor.


Sweeping Journal


To sweep archives until the sequence number:

  • right-click the archive with the required sequence number within the Journal node in the DB Explorer tree and select the Tasks | Sweep Until... context menu item;
  • confirm sweeping in the dialog window.


Dropping Journal


To drop a journal:

  • right-click the Journal node in the DB Explorer tree and select the Drop Journal context menu item;
  • confirm dropping in the dialog window.


Note: If more convenient, you can also use the following shortcuts:

Ctrl+N to create a journal.