Online Documentation for Data Comparer for SQL Server

Viewing BLOB data

Data Comparer for SQL Server provides a BLOB viewer for browsing the content of BLOB (Binary Large Object) fields being compared.

The tool can be invoked from the data grid at Step 3 by clicking the ellipsis btnEllipsis button next to a record of the BLOB field. Use the combo-box control in the upper area of the viewer to specify the field for viewing.


Please note that BLOB Viewer is only available if the Compare BLOB values option has been checked at Step 2 of the wizard.


When working with the BLOB viewer, you can use the drop-down list in the top left corner of the window for quick navigation.

The drop-down list allows you to switch the source/target fields easily.


BLOB viewer - Navigation in BLOB viewer


Switch between the BLOB viewer tabs to explore the field content.


The Hexadecimal tab allows you to view the BLOB data as hexadecimal dump.


BLOB viewer - Viewing as Hexadecimal


The Text tab allows you to view the BLOB data as plain text.


BLOB viewer - Viewing as Text


Specify text encoding in the Encoding drop-down list.



The Rich Text tab allows you to view the BLOB data in Rich Text format (RTF).


BLOB viewer - Viewing as Rich Text


The Image tab allows you to view the BLOB data as an image.


BLOB Viewer


The HTML tab allows you to view the BLOB data as HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language format) - in the way this data would be displayed by your Internet browser.


BLOB viewer - Viewing as HTML


The Multimedia tab allows you to view the BLOB data as a multimedia (audio/video) file.

Use the Play btnMultimediaPlay , Pause btnMultimediaPause , Stop btnMultimediaStop buttons to navigate within the multimedia content.


BLOB viewer - Viewing as Multimedia


Having finished browsing the BLOB data, you can close the editor and continue browsing data comparison results in the grid.