Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

SELECT Procedure

The Select section of the Create Procedures dialog provides the definition of the SELECT procedure generated from the table.


Tables - Create Procedure from Table - SELECT




Specifies procedure name (if necessary, you can edit the one assigned by default).


The Columns list displays columns as specified in the columns clause of the procedure definition.

The list provides the following attributes of each column:



To add/remove columns to/from the construction, check/uncheck flags available in the first column of the Columns list.

For your convenience the Select All, Deselect All and Invert Selection functions are implemented in the context menu of the columns list area.


The lower area represents the SELECT procedure definition as SQL statement. It is possible to edit the definition directly using the editor area to make appropriate changes.

Edit the block of statements within the BEGIN / END pair according to your needs.

For your convenience the syntax highlight, code completion and a number of other features for efficient SQL editing are implemented. For details see Working with Query Data area and Using the context menu.