Online Documentation for SQL Query for SQL Server
Setting connection properties
Enter the necessary settings to establish connection to SQL Server.
Host name
Type in, or use the drop-down list to specify the host name of the SQL Server server.
Please note that if SQL Server is installed as a named instance, you should enter the name of your machine and the instance name in the Host name field in the following format: computer_name\sqlserver_instance_name (e.g. "MYCOMPUTER\SQLEXPRESS").
Authentication Type
Specify the type of the database server authentication to be used for the connection: SQL Server Authentication or
Windows Authentication. It is strongly recommended to avoid using SQL Server authentication with "sa" as the login.
Afterwards you should specify authorization settings: User name and Password.
Нажмите кнопку Advanced, чтобы просмотреть или отредактировать дополнительные параметры подключения с помощью SQL Server Client Network Utility.
Register a single database
Check this option if you wish to register one database or leave it unchecked if you wish to register several databases at the host.
Click the Next button to proceed to the Setting registration options step of the wizard.