Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

Setting conditions

This step allows you to define events to be logged.


Service tasks - Server Params Logger - Setting options


The options below allow you to define conditions which EMS SQL Backup should perform logging by.


CheckBox No backup

Enable this option to log the list of databases with no backup.


CheckBox Last full backup

The option should be used to log the list of databases with old full backups.


Last full backup older than

Defines the time point relatively to current date. The list of databases with full backup made before this point will be logged.


CheckBox Last log backup

Use this option to log the list of databases with old log backups.


Last log backup older than

Define the time point relatively to current date. The list of databases with log backup made before this point will be logged.


CheckBox Index fragmentation

Enable this option to log the list of databases with high fragmentation.


Index fragmentation more than

Define the level of index fragmentation. Databases list with index fragmentation level above specified will be added to log.


Only check indices with more than

This option indicates that only indices with page amount above specified will be checked.


CheckBox Integrity check (SQL Server 2005 or higher)

Enable this option to log the list of databases with out-of-date integrity check.


Last integrity check older than

Define the time point relatively to current date. The list of databases with integrity check made before this point will be added to log.


CheckBox Transaction log

Enable this option to log the list of databases with transaction log free space below the specified limit.


Free space is less than

This option defines transaction log free space limit. Log includes list of databases with amount of free space less than this limit.


Log file is larger than

This option adds log file size condition. List of databases which transaction log file is larger than the specified limit will be included to log.


CheckBox Data file

This option indicates that log should include databases with data file free space below the specified limit.


Free space is less than

Use this option to define the data file free space limit.


Data file is larger than

Use this option to define data file size condition. Databases which data file is above this limit will be added to log.