Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server
Create a report on policy execution
Using the reports tool you can view information on policy tasks execution that is displayed in the Launches section as well as save reports to files of different formats and send them via email.
To generate a report on task execution you need to click the Report button on the toolbar of the Launches section or select the
Show Report context menu item of a task.
There are three types of reports:
- Single-server report
- Multi-server report
- Detailed task report
Single-server report
This report can be viewed when a single server is selected in the explorer and a policy deployed on this server is selected in the Policies area. If a policy deployed on several servers is selected in Policies area a report will include information on launches of this policy only on the selected server. The report displays brief information on tasks of the selected policy including task name, planned start, time started, time finished and task status.
Multi-server report
Multi-server report is available when a policy deployed on multiple servers is selected in the Policies area. Besides, a group or a solution must be selected in the Servers area. The report displays brief information on tasks of the selected policy including task name, server name, planned start, time started, time finished and task status.
Detailed task report
Task report is available when a particular task is selected in the Policies area. This report displays a detailed information on a task and its steps of the selected policy including task name, planned start, time started, time finished, task/step status and execution message (information, warning or error).