Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

Remove EMS SQL Backup

In order to remove EMS SQL Backup perform the following operations:

  1. Remove server-side components from all servers they were installed. This is done by means of Update/Remove server-side EMS SQL Backup components that is launched by selecting the Update/Remove server-side EMS SQL Backup components server context menu item.
  2. Remove EMS SQL Backup Administration Console from your computer via Control Panel -> Programs and Features.


Note: If you do not have permissions for remote of server-side components uninstall via EMS SQL Backup Administration Console you can copy EMS SQL Backup setup file to the server machine and run installation there. Server-side components remove process locally on a server is similar to their installation process and is performed by means of Stand-alone remote components Installer. To remove server components you need to select the RadioButton Uninstall option on the Selecting operation type step.