Online Documentation for Data Import for MySQL





Select the main color theme for the application: Light or Dark.


CheckBox Confirmation on exit

Enables/disables confirmation upon exiting the program.


CheckBox Key columns reminder

Use this option to enable/disable prompts to define key columns.


Preferences - General


CheckBox Remember password

Setting this option allows you to save passwords used for access to the databases automatically upon closing the application. Please note that checking this option saves the latest password used for connection to the database (including the SSH server password).


CheckBox Show number of created tables

Use this option to allow/disallow appearance of the correspondent information window.


CheckBox Show number of mapped columns

Displays the number of mapped fields on proceeding to Step 4.


CheckBox Use first row as caption fields

Enable this option to use first rows as captions when mapping fields.


CheckBox Keep options at steps

If this option is checked all your import settings will remain the same the next time the program is started.


CheckBox Allow JavaScript execution

If this option is checked then the script entered on the Step 6 is always executed.


CheckBox Show databases

This option enables/disables the 'Select Database' drop-down list in 'Select Table' dialog at Step 2 of the wizard. If you check this option, you can select the database from the list, otherwise you must type the database name manually.


CheckBox Exclude autoincrement fields

If this option is checked then autoincrement fields will not be mapped on auto mapping.


Default min length for new string field

Specify the default length of the new field in case you are importing data into a new table.


Default CSV delimiter

Specify the default delimiter for CSV files format.


Default CSV quote

Specify the default quottas for CSV files format.