Online Documentation for SQL Manager for MySQL

Setting specific options

This step of the wizard allows you to set the database name, database alias, and registration options (using the General and Logs tabs).


Register Database wizard - Setting specific options - General



General tab


Database name

Type in or use the drop-down list to select the database to be registered.


If several databases have been selected in the Selecting databases step of the wizard, the list of these databases will be displayed in top of the window. Select a database from the list to view/edit its registration information.


Register Database wizard - Setting specific options - severalDB


Database alias

Enter the alias to be used to display the database in DB Explorer and SQL Manager tools. By default, a database alias generated by the application has the following format: <database_name> on <host_name>[:<port>]


CheckBox Refresh objects on connection

This option allows you to enable/disable refreshing objects on connection to the database. It is highly recommended to uncheck this option if your database contains many objects or if connection to the database is slow.


CheckBox Login prompt before connection

Enables SQL Manager for MySQL to prompt for user name and password each time you connect to the database.


CheckBox Use compression protocol

Enables using the compressed data protocol when connecting to the database server.



CheckBox Use SSL protocol

Enables interchanging data with remote MySQL server via encrypted channel, not allowing intruders to intercept your data.

Note: Enabling this option indicates that SSL protocol should be used, if server supports SSL connections. If it doesn't, then despite the option is enabled, SSL protocol will not be used and no warnings will appear.


CheckBox Interactive mode

Enables using the interactive_timeout variable value from my.cnf file instead of wait_timeout for connection timeout.


CheckBox Quote identifiers

Enables quoting all the identifiers with the backquote symbol ('`').

To make SQL scripts obtained using the Extract Database Wizard compatible with older versions of MySQL, uncheck this option.

Note: This option works only with servers that support quoting aliases.


CheckBox Autoconnect at startup

With this option set, connection to the registered database is established automatically at application startup.


CheckBox Create new tab for this database

If this option is checked, the database will be displayed within a separate tab in DB Explorer.


The SSL tab allows you to connect to the server via encrypted channel for increased security. Only *.pem files must be defined in the fields at this tab.


SSL mode

Select the required SSL mode from the dropdown menu: Disabled, Preferred, Required, Verify CA or Verify Identity.


Register Database wizard - Setting specific options - SSLs


Client certificate

Select the server client public key certificate file.


Client key

Select the path to the client private key file.


CA Certificate

Define the path to the certificate authority file.


Revocation list

Specify the file containing certificate revocation lists, if required.



Specify permissible ciphers for SSL connection.


You can use the ExplorerButton Open button to locate files using a standard dialog.




Register Database wizard - Setting specific options - Logs


CheckBox Enable log of metadata changes

Check this option if you wish to log metadata changes of your database in a file.


CheckBox Write only successfully executed SQL statements to log

If this option is selected, only successfully executed SQL statements will be written to the specified log file.


Log file

This field is enabled if the Enable log of metadata changes option is selected. Type in or use the Save as btnSaveAs button to specify the path to the *.sql file to store the metadata logs.


CheckBox Enable log of SQL Editor queries

Check this option if you wish to log your SQL Editor queries in a file.


Log file

This field is enabled if the Enable log of SQL Editor queries option is selected. Type in or use the Save as btnSaveAs button to specify the path to the *.sql file to store the logs of SQL queries.


Click the Run button when done to start working with the newly registered database in SQL Manager for MySQL.