Online Documentation for SQL Manager for MySQL
Creating/editing procedure
Use the Edit tab of Procedure Editor to create/edit a stored procedure and specify its definition.
Enter a name for the new procedure, or view the name of the procedure being edited.
Procedure type
Deterministic (indicates that the procedure always produces the same result for the same input parameters)
Not deterministic (indicates that the procedure does not produce the same result for the same input parameters)
SQL security
Specify whether the procedure should be executed using the permissions of:
Definer (the user that creates the routine), or
Invoker (the user that invokes the routine)
SQL Data Access
Use the drop-down list to specify the nature of data use by the procedure:
CONTAINS SQL (i.e. the routine does not contain statements that read or write data)
NO SQL (i.e. the routine contains no SQL statements)
READS SQL DATA (i.e. the routine contains statements that read data (e.g. SELECT), but not statements that modify data)
MODIFIES SQL DATA (i.e. the routine contains statements that may write data, e.g. INSERT, DELETE)
Specifies the MySQL account to be used when checking access privileges at the procedure execution time (if Definer is selected in the SQL security group).
Hint: You should either follow the 'user_name'@'host_name' format, or select the CURRENT_USER value to use the current MySQL user as the routine definer.
The Parameters list provides the following attributes of each parameter used in the procedure:
Set the procedure parameters by right-clicking within the list and selecting Add Parameter. Set all necessary settings for the parameter in the opened dialog window.
Parameter Type (IN, OUT, INOUT)
Data Type - the type of the parameter data.
Use the Data size spinner control to define the size of the parameter value.
Use the Precision spinner control to define the precision of the parameter value (for float data types). The precision indicates the number of significant digits.
Enum values - values of the ENUM datatype.
Use database charset.
If you need different charset, you can select it from the Character set drop down list.
Assigns the UNSIGNED attribute to the field: integer data will be displayed unsigned.
Assigns the ZEROFILL attribute to the field: for columns of the numeric data type, MySQL will automatically add zeros before the first significant digit of the number stored in this column.
To delete the existing parameter, select Delete Parameter from the popup menu. To edit parameter double-click it.
Hint: You can reorder parameters in the list using the Move Up and Move Down popup menu items.
This area allows you to set the procedure definition (body).
For your convenience the syntax highlight, code completion and a number of other features for efficient SQL editing are implemented. For details see Working with SQL Editor area and Using the context menu.
To execute the procedure, you can use the Execute procedure item available within the Navigation bar.