Online Documentation for SQL Manager for MySQL
Show host information
Lists the binary log files on the server.
Table displays log name and file size in respective columns.
Shows the events in the binary log. Binary log consists of files that store events describing changes in database.
Table displays log name, start log position, event type, server ID, end log position and additional info.
Shows all available character sets.
Table displays character set, its description, default collation (set of rules for data comparing, that is used by default for corresponding character set; these rules define table of codes and used for collation of current character set with Unicode and other formats) and max length (in bytes).
Lists collations supported by the server.
Table displays collation name, corresponding character set, collation ID, whether collation is default for its character set, is collation compiled on server and sorting length (memory size required for sorting string data).
Lists the databases on the MySQL host.
Displays status information about the server's storage engines.
Table displays engine name, whether engine is supported by server, brief comments, whether transactions, XA transactions and savepoints are supported by this engine.
Shows the error messages that resulted from the last statement that generated messages in the current session.
Table displays error level, error code and text of error message.
Shows the list of system privileges that the MySQL server supports. The list can vary depending on the current server version.
Table displays privilege name, context (objects, which this privilege can be applied to) and brief comments.
Lists threads which are currently running.
Table displays the connection ID, user who issued the statement, client host, default database (NULL if not selected), type of command the thread is executing, time in seconds that the thread has been is current state, state that indicates what the thread is doing, info - the statement the thread is executing (NULL if it is not executing any statement).
Shows the error, warning, and note messages that resulted from the last statement that generated messages in the current session.
Table displays warning level, its code and message.