Online Documentation for DB Comparer for Oracle

Working with project

Having created or opened a project, you see the Project window.


By default, the Project window contains the Database Tree, Source and Target Object Definitions, Modification Scripts and Information windows.


Working with Project


When working with your project, you are provided with a powerful project toolbar which is available at the top of the project window.

btnProjectOptions Open project in Project Wizard.

btnRefresh Perform a full recompare



  • Show/hide Identical node in the Database Tree
  • Choose the way objects should be grouped
  • Show/hide All objects node in the Database Tree



The same reports are available on the Reports pane on the right side.


btnSQLScriptEditor_selected Open selected scripts in SQL Script Editor

btnSQLScriptEditor_all Open all scripts in SQL Script Editor

btnExecuteScript Execute selected scripts

btnShowSQLScript Execute all scripts

btnMoveScriptFirst btnMoveScriptDown btnMoveScriptUp btnMoveScriptLast - change script order



Use this drop-down list to specify a name for current positional layout of the windows. If necessary, you can click the btnSave Save Layout toolbar button to save the layout for future use, or the btnCross Remove Layout toolbar button if you do not need the current layout any longer.