Online Documentation for SQL Manager for Oracle
Specifying database name
At this step you need to specify the database name, SID, Oracle compatible version and OS specific options.
Database name
Specify the name of the database to be created.
Note: The database name is case insensitive and is stored in uppercase ASCII characters.
Specify a unique Oracle system identifier for your instance (ORACLE_SID).
Note: ORACLE_SID is used to distinguish this Oracle instance from other instances that you may create later and run concurrently on the same host computer.
Compatible version
Use the drop-down list to select the version of Oracle the new database will be compatible with. The database script will be generated by the application in accordance with the selected server version. Possible values are: 8.1.7, 9.0.1, 9.2.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0, 11.1.0, 12.1, 12.2, 18.0).
OS specific options
Specify the operating system for the database being created: Unix or
Windows. The result script will be generated in accordance with the selected operating system specifications.
Register after creating
Check this option to register the newly created database in SQL Manager (the Database Registration Info dialog will be opened after database creation).
Click the Next button to proceed to the Specifying memory parameters step of the wizard.