Online Documentation for SQL Manager for Oracle
Creating/editing materialized view log
Use the Materialized view log tab of Materialized View Log Editor to create/edit a materialized view log and specify its properties.
Log table name
Displays the name of the materialized view log table.
Use the drop-down list to specify the schema containing the materialized view log master table.
Master table
Use the drop-down list to specify the name of the master table for which the materialized view log is to be created.
These attributes can be used for data that will be accessed frequently:
Specifies that the blocks retrieved for this log are placed at the most recently used end of the least recently used (LRU) list in the buffer cache when a full table scan is performed. This attribute is useful for small lookup tables.
Specifies that the blocks are placed at the least recently used end of the LRU list.
This group allows you to establish the logging characteristics for the materialized view log:
New values
This group allows you to determine whether Oracle saves both old and new values for update DML operations in the materialized view log.
Specifies the default behavior for new values.
Specifies that both new and old values are saved in the log.
Disables the recording of new values in the log. You can use this option to avoid the overhead of recording new values.
With ...
Use the With group to indicate whether the materialized view log should record the primary key, rowid, object ID, or a combination of these row identifiers when rows in the master are changed.
With object ID
Indicates that the system-generated or user-defined object identifier of every modified row should be recorded in the materialized view log.
With primary key
Indicates that the primary key of all rows changed should be recorded in the materialized view log.
Indicates that the rowid of all rows changed should be recorded in the materialized view log.
With sequence
Indicates that a sequence value providing additional ordering information should be recorded in the materialized view log. Sequence numbers are necessary to support fast refresh after some update scenarios.
With filter columns
Select this option to include the filter columns whose values you want to be recorded in the materialized view log.
Fields for materialized view log
This group allows you to specify the fields whose values should be recorded in the materialized view log for all rows that are changed.
To select a field, you need to move it from the Available list to the Selected list. Use the
buttons or drag-and-drop operations to move the fields from one list to another.
To compile the object, use the corresponding Compile item of the Navigation bar or toolbar.