Online Documentation for Data Export for PostgreSQL

Step 9 - Defining scripts

This step of the wizard allows you to define scripts to be executed before and after export process for each table.


Select a table to define the script for. Type the text of the script to be executed before the export operation in the Before export script area, the script to be executed after the export operation in the After export script area.

Select another table and add scripts for it, if necessary.


You can also save and load Before export and After export scripts using the corresponding Save script... and Load script... buttons. The Clear button erases the text and clears the current editor window.


Step 9 - Defining scripts


CheckBox Don't show this step anymore

Use the option to disable this step. To enable the step use the appropriate option at the Selecting skipped steps tab of the Preferences dialog.


Hint: If more convenient, you can check the CheckBox Apply to all exported objects box to set the specified options for all exported objects.


When you are done, press the Next button to proceed to the last step of the wizard.