Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

SQL Script

CheckBox Enable parsing

With this option checked, SQL Script Editor parses the loaded script to enable fast navigation in the Script Explorer tool.


CheckBox Show message when done

Displays a message box on finishing script execution.


CheckBox Execute selected text separately

Check this option to allow execution of the selected statement separately.


CheckBox Don't clear error list on selected text execution

If this option is checked, the error list is not cleared upon execution of the selected statement.


CheckBox Skip unknown statements

If this option is selected, statements classified as 'unknown' are skipped by the tool during script execution.


Environment Options - Tools - SQL Script



Database options


CheckBox Register newly created databases

If this option is selected, newly created databases will be registered automatically.


CheckBox Connect automatically to just created database

If this option is selected, SQL Manager immediately attempts to connect to a newly created database.



Transaction options


CheckBox Rollback on abort

This option evokes automatic rollback when script execution is aborted (due to an error or if interrupted by user).



See also:

SQL Script Editor