Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2
Query Builder
General options
Allow SELECT queries only
When this option is checked, the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements are not allowed in Query Builder.
Select condition row
Displays the selected condition in different rows on the Criteria and Grouping Criteria tabs of Query Builder.
Drag field name
Displays the dragged field name in the Builder area.
Hide selection when inactive
Hides the selection when the Query Builder window is inactive.
Show field types
Displays the field data type next to the field name in the table box.
Union all by default
Check this option to use the UNION ALL expression in Query Builder by default.
The UNION keyword allows you to include the results of two SELECT statements in one resulting table.
The ALL parameter incorporates all rows into the results, including duplicates. If not specified, duplicate rows are removed.
Visible tabs
These options specify which Query Builder tabs are available and which are not. Use the check boxes to make the corresponding tabs visible/invisible.
Script format
These options specify case formatting of keywords and functions in query text within the Edit tab: As is keeps the original case, Uppercase sets all the keywords/functions to the upper case, Lowercase sets all the keywords/functions to the lower case, and First upper sets the first letters of all keywords/functions to the upper case.
Additionally, you can set styles and color for all Query Builder objects by using Style & Color Palette.
See also: |