Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2
First time started
This is how SQL Manager for DB2 looks when you start it for the first time. Use the Desktop panel to fulfill any of common tasks: Create a new database, Manage existing database(s), and several tasks that do not require database registration, i.e. Execute SQL script, accessing the reference system or using available Internet resources.
The main menu allows you to perform various Database operations, open To-Do List and activate/deactivate Database Explorer, SQL Assistant and various toolbars within the View menu, manage your databases using items of the Tools and Services menus, customize the application using the Options menu, manage SQL Manager Windows using Window List and other tools, view the Tip of the Day and access Registration information and product documentation, update the product to the latest version using the corresponding items available within the Help menu.
See the How to... chapter to view brief instructions on how to perform some operations on databases, database objects, etc.
To start working with your DB2 database server, you should first register the node using Register Node wizard. After that you need to register one or several databases using Register Database Wizard or create a new database using Create Database wizard.
By default the corresponding Register Node,
Register Database,
Create Database buttons are available on the toolbar, within the Database menu or you can use the Desktop Panel for the same purpose.
To view a SQL Manager for DB2 help documentation use the SQL Manager help system item on the Desktop Panel or select the Help | Contents main menu item.
When the database connection settings are specified, you can set connection to your database and proceed to Database navigation, Database Objects management, Working with SQL queries and other tools of SQL Manager.
See also: |