Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Setting specific options

This step of the wizard allows you to set the user name, password, and registration options pertaining to selected database(s) (using the General and Logs tabs).


Register Database wizard - New entry - Specific options - General



Set authorization parameters that will be used to access the database: User name and Password.



The General tab allows you to set common database registration options:


Font charset

Specify the character set to be used to display data in the grid.


CheckBox Login prompt before connection

Enables SQL Manager for DB2 to prompt for user name and password each time you connect to the database.


CheckBox Refresh objects on connection

This option allows you to enable/disable refreshing objects on connection to the database. It is highly recommended to uncheck this option if your database contains many objects or if connection to the database is slow.


CheckBox Autoconnect at startup

With this option set, connection to the registered database is established automatically at application startup.


CheckBox Create new tab for this database

If this option is checked, the database will be displayed within a separate tab in DB Explorer.



The Logs tab allows you to set log options for the database. For details see Setting specific options (defined for an existing entry).



Click the Finish button when done to start working with the newly registered database in SQL Manager for DB2.